
Showing posts from June, 2012

Happy Birthday Oppa!!

Annyeog!! guess who's birthday on 6/6/2012 ? of course la oppa dongwoon! kan dh t'pang2 kat ats oppa sorry coz late wish to you in blog..haha BI down. spatutnya wish time birthday dy tpi t'lupa..x pa la lain hari pon x pa yg pntig kta maseh ingt birthday dy kn3! ouh! aq bru t'ingt yg aq ada edit gmbr utk oppa aq nie! jap2 lol buruk nyerrr!! bru blajr style mcm nie..mmg la burok sikit nnt lma2 ok la 2.. Best wishes to you!! luv you so much oppa!